Andy HAS SOME GREAT ideas.

Click here to download Andy's Resume (PDF)

Andy lives near Boston, Mass., but was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wis. Naturally, he has a funny accent, a healthy affinity for good beer, good cheese, good brats … you get the picture. However, behind the (very) pale exterior is a creative juggernaut with a real knack for making an idea, marketing plan or product launch grow into something a target audience responds to.

Andy isn’t the creative type that lazily flings ideas to the wall and hopes they stick – he takes a calculated approach to the creative process and knows that a successful path to market begins with a sound strategic plan. Andy is fortunate to have had many great mentors and inspirational people throughout his life that have helped shape him into the fearless, nimble go-getter he is today.

Andy has held a range of different responsibilities in marketing communications. Whether it’s creating a complex series of research-based technical white papers for a B2B industrial client, or writing a whimsical headline to promote a new yogurt line from a local dairy co-op, Andy’s work experience to date has led him down paths that make him a truly unique, experienced communicator. Put simply, Andy has worn more hats in more industries in a short period of time than most closets can keep.

Moreover, Andy genuinely likes working with people. He enjoys collaborating, sharing ideas and being a valuable contributor to any team. He’s no pushover, he doesn’t fear the spotlight and is driven to earn the respect of his colleagues through his positive attitude and exceptional work performance. 

Does Andy sound like someone fit for your company or agency? He’d love to hear from you. Click here to contact Andy directly.